Holloway High-Capacity Low-Headroom Grommets

High-capacity Low-Headroom Grommets are designed for optimal lifting efficiency in tight spaces, these are built from premium materials for everyday use. Low-headroom grommets are used in construction, manufacturing, mining, oil and gas, utilities, and transportation.

Holloway High-Capacity Low-Headroom Grommets are available in various sizes and materials to meet the application's specific needs. Holloway High-Capacity Low-Headroom Grommets are made from high-quality materials designed to withstand everyday use's rigors.

When selecting a Holloway High-Capacity Low-Headroom Grommet, it is essential to consider the following factors:

  • The weight of the load to be lifted.
  • The type of material to be lifted
  • The environment in which the grommet will be used
  • The required lifting capacity
  • Holloway High-Capacity Low-Headroom Grommets should be inspected regularly for signs of wear and tear. Grommets that are damaged should be removed from service immediately.
Wire Rope Dia.(inches) Diameter of Pin, Shackle Bail, Trunnion, Etc. (inches)
3.00 3.50 4.00 4.50 6.00 8.00 10.00 12.00 16.00 20.00 24.00 30.00
1.50 27 28 29 29 31 32 34 35 36 37 37 38
1.75 34 36 37 38 40 42 44 45 47 48 49 50
2.00 43 46 47 49 52 55 57 58 61 63 64 66
2.25 49 52 55 56 61 64 67 68 72 74 76 77
2.50 58 62 65 67 73 77 81 83 86 90 92 94
2.75 67 72 76 79 85 91 95 98 103 106 109 112
3.00 77 82 87 91 99 106 111 115 120 124 128 132
3.50 102 108 114 126 136 143 148 156 161 165 171
4.00 130 137 153 168 177 184 195 201 206 214
4.50 160 181 200 212 222 235 244 250 259
6.00 250 283 306 323 346 363 375 388

Holloway Houston Inc. uses a 3, 6 and/or 12 inch diameter pin for testing purposes.
Us Patent No: 6, 381, 939

All slings are proof-tested to 2 times working load limit. Design factor is 5:1.

Wire Rope Dia.(inches) Diameter of Pin, Shackle Bail, Trunnion, Etc. (inches)
3.00 3.50 4.00 4.50 6.00 8.00 10.00 12.00 16.00 20.00 24.00 30.00
1.50 54 56 58 59 63 65 68 70 72 74 75 76
1.75 69 72 74 77 81 85 88 91 95 97 99 101
2.00 87 92 95 98 105 111 114 117 123 127 129 132
2.25 99 105 110 113 122 129 134 137 144 148 152 155
2.50 117 124 130 135 146 155 162 166 173 180 184 189
2.75 135 144 152 158 171 183 191 197 206 213 219 225
3.00 154 165 174 182 199 213 223 231 241 249 256 264
3.50 204 217 228 252 273 287 297 312 322 331 343
4.00 260 274 307 336 355 369 390 403 413 429
4.50 320 362 400 425 444 470 488 501 518
6.00 500 566 612 646 693 726 750 776

Holloway Houston Inc. uses a 3, 6 and/or 12 inch diameter pin for testing purposes.
Us Patent No: 6, 381, 939

All slings are proof-tested to 2 times working load limit. Design factor is 5:1.

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